Thameside primary school and Nursery
Head Teacher: Mrs J Bray
Here at Thameside Primary, we are proud of the achievements of those children who can find learning difficult. We are proud of the teachers who plan a curriculum around a variety of needs and of the Higher Level Teaching (HLTA's) and Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) who always go above and beyond their job description in providing fantastic support, which is why our children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) make good progress!
We believe that we quickly recognise the needs that any child in our care may have and support them accordingly. This can take many forms and may consist of using a variety of strategies in order to help any child that needs additional support, whether this be a long term or short term need. In school this includes:
- Mrs Langevine the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) who will support parents and staff in accessing the correct support and interventions for children with special education, emotional, physical and/or medical needs.
- Mrs Kirsopp the School Social Worker and the Family Case Worker, Mrs Mcauliffe, who can support families in accessing other means of support.
- Mr Wilson the Attendance Officer, who will work with families where attendance needs supporting.
- Access to our Footsteps nurture provision, to support those children who struggle the most academically and/or socially.
- Specialist Teachers in Speech and Language or Hearing Impairment.
- Referrals to Thameside Children's Centre for families seeking support, where there are children in the family aged 0-19 years of age.
- The School Nurse team includes nurses who specialise in Diabetes and Epilepsy, for example
- Planned visits by Local Authority Educational Psychologist, for statutory and commissioned work.
The school also has close engagement with the following services to support our pupils:
Treetops Outreach Support Work.
Paediatric Physiotherapy Team.
Occupational Therapy Team.
Should you wish to speak to any of the above, please contact the School Office.